South to Spring | Mojave National Preserve Part 1: Caruthers Canyon

As we left Death Valley and headed south we drove through the town of Shoshone. It’s always fun to see the price of regular unleaded there, the day we passed through it was $5.99. Only close to double what we had paid through Idaho and Nevada to get here.

As we continued south toward Baker there was a near steady stream of enormous three story RV’s with names like Adrenaline, Voltage, Sandstorm, Rag’n, Man Cave, Attitude and Stealth. Ok Stealth, you aren’t sneaking up on anybody with your three axles and 50′ length. Someone actually gets paid to think up names for these things! The weekend was winding down and the dunes were emptying of what appeared to be thousands of OHV enthusiasts. I’m glad they have someplace to go and congregate, so we know where to avoid. Welcome back to “civilization.”


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