Join us as we adventure our way around the west and beyond. We’ll feature weekend and extended trips to the outdoors focusing on fishing, hiking, camping, exploring and outdoor cooking in locations we find interesting from the backyard to the backcountry.

We’re currently based out of Idaho and primarily use our Four Wheel Camper on a Ford Ranger as a base for exploration. If you’d like a few more details on our Four Wheel Camper Eagle model watch our walkaround video below.
Some weekends we’ll head out boating with our Hewes Craft or whitewater raft, while other weekends we’ll hit the trail with our backpacks. We really love extended overlanding road trips living out of the truck and seeing all that our public lands have to offer.

When truck camping we typically take some standard gear with us as we spend most of our time outside while in camp. If you are interested in what makes up our camp set up watch the video.
What does Occidentalist Outdoors mean anyway? Well, being a former forester, some of my favorite trees are the western trees, many of which come with the occidentalis Latin name. So to me, Occidentalist translates to “of the west” or “from the west”. Since I have spent my whole life enjoying the western outdoors the name just kind of made sense to me.

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