Exploring the Mid-Atlantic Coast
We departed New Jersey by way of a ferry to Lewes, Delaware. It was a quick but choppy ride across Delaware Bay as we continued south on our East Coast Adventure.

Before we knew it we left Delaware behind (blink and you’ll miss it, Delaware is tiny) and we were suddenly in Ocean City Maryland. I’ve never witnessed so many hotels and mini golf courses packed so tightly together, and the strange thing was, there was nobody here. I’m not sure what it is like in the summer, but I’m guessing it’s not pretty if you are looking to get away from it all on your trip to the beach.
East Coast Adventure Video Series, Part 2: Mid Atlantic Coast:
Our destination for the day was Assateague Island National Seashore. Situated on a barrier island, the seashore features white sand beaches and a herd of feral horses that roam freely. We had barely arrived and we ran into a few of the ponies.