We started to narrow down the list of possibilities for an extended anniversary weekend. We’ve been to the top of Hager Mountain and out to the Lost Forest. What would it be this year? Choices are somewhat limited, and although we’d really like to check out a yurt in the mountains of Idaho that will have to wait for another year. How about the wildflower bloom in the California deserts? Well, you need some rain for that. A hike on the Olympic Peninsula? Sort of hard if the trailheads are closed. After lots of thinking and staring at the map we settled on the northern California Coast. We headed out on Friday and made it to the Smith River for our first night. Then it was off through the narrow band of the redwoods on the way to the coast.

It is always good to see the the big trees. Before long we found ourselves on Mattole Beach but it was crowded and windy.

So we contemplated dropping off the edge of the earth but went inland instead.

After a night in the Redwoods we decided to continue south on this no plan road trip. We knew a place we’d like to spend a night and that was where we drew our bee line to, but not without a stop for some fish for the grill.

The camp hosts were on the hill above camp to welcome us. Wildflowers were in bloom. It was neat to be here in spring, only being here in fall up to now.

We walked the beach, seeing the sights. Limpets, oyster catchers, gulls. We searched the tidepools and finally found a sea star. Then it was back to camp for sunset and listening to the waves and the owls. No kit foxes this trip. Maybe because we learned and took our grill drip pan out?

We woke to our nearest neighbors chewing their cud.

Then we were off to a day in the Anderson Valley. A stop for a sip of wine and a glass of beer with a toss of the frisbee, then our time was running short.

Time flies when you are having fun. We headed north for home.

nice trip. love the redwoods