It’s been quiet around this site for a while but not because there has been nothing going on. Since the last post there’s been a trip to the north Oregon coast,

a ski trip to north central Washington to glide through the trees,

and even a stop at Gettysburg.

But now that spring is coming back around its time to get back outside in earnest.
Hager Mountain Lookout is a popular spot. I’ve been wanting to spend a few nights in a lookout for many years, but reserving far enough in advance before all the days are booked is always a challenge. 6 months and two weeks back we got lucky and there was an opening. We grabbed it. In February I was thinking there would be no snow and spring time conditions. Then March came and with it, finally, winter. The week prior to heading out snow was in the forecast again. But by the time we were headed to the trailhead the storm had passed, dumping a bit of snow along the way, leaving us with a nice blue sky day to head to the top of the mountain.

The climb to the top was a bit strenuous, considering the new snow, full packs and a few thousand feet of vertical. The final bit was definitely a challenge leaving us short of breath.

But a challenge with its own reward. Namely, peace, quiet, and views that go on for miles.

We enjoyed the views in all sorts of weather. Isolated storms, wind, beautiful sunsets, stunning sunrises, and star-studded nights. We had a roaring fire to keep us company, as well as a mouse or two enjoying the drawer of food left by guests before us.

We’ll be back.