We enjoyed our California Road Trip so much in 2016 we decided we needed to revisit a few places on the north coast. The week of Thanksgiving seemed like the perfect time to do it, take 3 days off and have 9 days for a road trip? Sign me up! We headed out of town on Friday and made it to Castle Crags State Park for an overnight. We didn’t have time to linger or explore but it served well for a convenient place to spend the night.

We were up early and continued our trek south to Anderson Valley.

In 2016 we only had a portion of a day in Anderson Valley and we wanted to spend more time there. We made it our southernmost point on our trip and worked north from there. We arrived with enough time to visit Anderson Valley Brewing for the afternoon. Bear + deer (=beer) abound there. And we were able to get in 18 holes of frisbee golf too. And did I mention it was t-shirt weather (in late November)!

Hendy Woods State Park was our spot for the night. Camping in the redwoods? Sign me up.

We only scratched the surface with a few visits to wineries in 2016, so we made a list and visited a few more, plus one favorite from 2016. Anderson Valley wineries seem low key and relaxed, not too busy, but maybe visiting in November is a factor in that. It was a beautiful sunny day in the valley.

Our time in Anderson Valley came to a close, we headed to the coast and found a place for the night at Navarro Beach. Hardly a campground, more of a place to park, it offers great beach access and views. And for this great….parking spot… California only wanted $35, $5 less than Hendy Woods, also for a place to park, no hookups, no included showers, just a parking spot with a table. I’ll not continue on my rant of overpriced California State Parks from our previous experience, except to say, really, really? Tomorrow we’d be heading north.