For the spring equinox we headed east to the Boise National Forest to a yurt we rented a while back. The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation runs a system of yurts and in the winter grooms cross country ski and snowshoe trails leading to them. They keep them well stocked with wood and supplies. We backpacked in with our food and clothes and stayed for two nights.

Our destination was the Skyline yurt. At about 2.3 miles it took us part of the afternoon to snowshoe in. We didn’t see another person until we returned to the trailhead two days later. The coyotes did raise a bit of a ruckus the second night though, up late singing songs.

The equinox sunset was a great one.

We spent the second day relaxing in the sun, getting out for a loop hike, and watching the sun move across the landscape.

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Before we knew it the sun was sinking on day two. We stoked the stove and tried not to think about going back to the daily grind. Oh Idaho, I hope we make it back soon.