It’s been too long since those warm days in southern California last fall. We finally got out this past weekend to kick of the 2019 camping season. But first, the big news since then is that we traded in the old camper for a newer one! I don’t know the exact year the old Four Wheel Camper that we acquired in 2015 was manufactured, but it was built in the mid 1990’s. It was starting to show it’s age in a few areas. Although it served us well and was holding together just fine we were starting to look at a few major replacements to keep everything weather tight and functional. I wasn’t really looking in earnest, but then along came an ad for something pretty close to a perfect replacement. So, we pounced on it, placed the old camper up for sale and in a matter of days the switch was made.

Ever since then we’ve been ready to hit the road and give it a Maiden Voyage. Due to extensive snow in most of the state we decided we’d make our way over to the coast to take advantage of some better, non snowy weather. We found a bit of spring as we hit the other side of the Cascades. Daffodils were blooming!

It was the start of spring break here in Oregon, which I guess means that adults and kids alike check out for the week and head to the coast or other vacations, but we were lucky enough to find some peace and quiet at Carl G. Washburne State Park, just a few miles north of Florence. The park never filled over the weekend, and ended up being a nice place to spend a couple days.

The park is situated about halfway between Newport and Florence and has great beach access and other trails that form an out and back loop to Heceta Head Lighthouse.

We encountered a little wildlife along the way.

Overall it was a good outing with the new camper. The addition of an awning is going to be a nice one, and the additional 4 inches of standing height is going to be nice as well. Still to be truly tested is the capability of the solar panel and electrical system. And there’s a few storage and other adjustments to make. But I think it just might work out. More testing ahead…