We escaped town on a Friday afternoon in August and made our way over to the North Umpqua River. We attempted to camp at Susan Creek, a nice campground we discovered last year but we found it full so we moved upriver to Bogus Creek for the night.

In the morning, we moved on to the main purpose of the trip, a visit to the Umpqua Valley Viticultural Area. Also known as a winery tour.

We had never toured the Umpqua Valley area before but there are a lot of wineries to visit within a short distance. We picked a few and made a day of it.

A couple of favorites were Becker and Abacela, both being ones that are small family owned operations. We really needed a few more days in order to provide a full review though.

We quickly ran out of time and headed back up another branch of the Umpqua, the South Fork of the Umpqua to find a spot to spend the night. On the way we passed through Tiller. I think Tiller’s better days are in the past, but with someone buying up the entire town about a year ago, who knows?

Once past Tiller we climbed up into the Cascades in seach of a quiet spot with a great view. We found it just before sunset.

We settled in for a quiet night of stargazing and listening to owls in the distance.

On Sunday we had enough time for a hike before heading home and we were not far from Twin Lakes so we hit the trail.

Another good weekend on the books…