August has come around again, and with it the necessary trip to the coast to restock the freezer with tuna. This year hasn’t been quite as hot or smoky as the past couple years but nevertheless this trip always serves as a quick getaway to a change of weather and scenery mid summer.

As usual this trip starts 6 months and two weeks in advance, in order to secure a site. We luckily had the same spot as last year with a good view of the ocean. The weather was perfect the entire time we were there – no fog, rain or wind with temps mainly in the upper 60’s. The ocean was particularly calm and seemed warm, warm enough to go for a wade or two. Unusual for Oregon.

Each year we pass the PIE sign, but never take the time to stop. This year was different. And the peach blackberry pie was still hot when we got to the campsite. Next time you think about stopping but don’t take the time, stop, turn around, you won’t regret it.

The next morning it was on to the main objective, tuna. The Chelsea Rose is an entirely new vessel this year, which is probably a good thing as the old boat appeared to have seen its better days. Mission accomplished.

Most of the rest of the trip was just relaxing in camp or on the beach, not a bad thing for the weekend. We did make a stop at our favorite farmers market. If you are near Yachats on Sunday morning it’s worth a stop just for the peaches.

The sun was setting on another quick run to the coast. Until next year.