Yamsay Mountain, 2022

July is here, it was past time to take a backpack trip, so we hit the Fremont National Recreational Trail on it’s northern end and headed toward Yamsay Mountain. We’ve been on other sections of the trail back when we were wandering the Warners, but this was our first jaunt up Yamsay. Our cool spring weather is long past, and the uphill through the lodgepole was hot and dusty. But on the plus side, we were in the mountains with nobody around.

Our trip started at Antler Trailhead.


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The Isolation of the Lost Forest, 2020

Isolation. It's a thing these days. Good thing there are plenty of spots within a couple hours drive to do just that. No driving through communities or interacting with people, just getting out to hear the wind in the trees. We headed east on a recent Friday, and found a spot to park in the sage. We didn't see anyone but did hear some coyotes and an owl in the distance. I sometimes wonder if…

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