In To The Winds, 2020

The Wind River Mountains. The Winds. Have you seen them from a distance? Have you ever wanted to hike into their depths? Those craggy peaks hold a lot of mystery from the little they give up from a long distance. We had to go. So we drove across Oregon, Idaho and part of Wyoming. We arrived to snow squalls in September, and so we held off on the edge waiting to go in.


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A Breath of Fresh Air

In case you missed the news, 1 million acres of Oregon caught on fire starting on Memorial day. We were out of the smoke for the first few days as it drifted west, but then the flow switched back to the normal westerly flow and we were soon experiencing the worst air quality in the world. Yes, the world. So after a week of being stuck inside it was time to get out of town…

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Fall on High Cascade Lakes, 2019

We had a long list of things to do this fall. A few things went undone, but we got out and about a lot. We made it to two of the four Cascade Lakes on the fall list, once we wrapped up summer trips to Odell. Fall on the lakes is so nice, few people, good weather, empty campgrounds and fish that are still biting all make it my favorite time to be out on the water.

South Sister, Crane Prairie Reservoir

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