Rock Creek Weekend

Ever been to Rock Creek? I think it’s right next to Deer Creek, right? We originally planned to be up in the high Cascades, but as the weekend approached and inches of rain or snow with wind looked likely we shifted plans to the east and headed to the Ochocos and found a quiet spot to spend the weekend next to Rock Creek. By the time we arrived on Friday night it was getting dark, the moon, Jupiter and Saturn were all scrolling across the sky.

The next morning it started raining just about breakfast time. It’s hard to complain, as we’re in severe drought so we sat back and enjoyed our coffee and listened to the rain on the roof. It quit about noon which gave us plenty of time to venture out on a hike.


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Escape to Goat Rocks

As mentioned in the last post, it’s been a pretty smoky summer. Oregon and California have been on fire since June. Labor Day weekend took the smoke to a whole new level. Hazardous air quality with smoke so thick there were times we couldn’t see the shore while out fishing Odell.

Fishing anyone? Odell Lake, Memorial Day weekend.
Sunrise, with a bit of smoke, Odell Lake

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Out Of The Winds, 2020

We awoke to a glorious early sunrise as the sun climbed it's way over the continental divide. It hit the tent nearly 3 hours earlier than the day before. The benefits of being on a ridge instead of in a deep valley on a crisp fall morning. Morning sun on camp. Tent is middle frame. As soon as we arrived it seemed it was already time to leave. You can only carry so much food,…

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