The day finally came. A limit for two at Odell. I think I mentioned the limit here on the last post, but in case you missed it we’re looking for 25 fish per day per person.

We got an early start at just after 5 and catching was pretty steady all day. We lost a bunch which prolonged the day a bit but that is the way kokanee fishing goes. We had our first limit (25) by about 8 but the bite slows considerably once the sun is on the water. It may have been the wind chop or the big algae bloom but the bite kept coming albeit a bit slower. We thought we had our 50. We started bagging and counting and came to 49 but in the next 5 minutes we had another and called it a day.

By 1 it was time for the fillet fest. Oh joy. Celebration time, we got our limit! Not such a big deal for the heavy hitters, but it’s been elusive for me. Check that goal off the list. There was still plenty of time to pick some blueberries.
Sunday we slept in and were out on the water at 530. Holy cow the bite was crazy about 6. There was a stretch of about an hour when we couldn’t get all the rods deployed. Now we’re kokanee fishing! Not so much wind today and the bite died off a bit more than yesterday. We called it quits at 1030 with 33. We could have done another limit no doubt but it was time to pack up camp and get a few of these on the grill.
And oh are they tasty!!!

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