The Wind River Mountains. The Winds. Have you seen them from a distance? Have you ever wanted to hike into their depths? Those craggy peaks hold a lot of mystery from the little they give up from a long distance. We had to go. So we drove across Oregon, Idaho and part of Wyoming. We arrived to snow squalls in September, and so we held off on the edge waiting to go in.

Green River Lakes seemed like a place to bide our time. So that is what we did. A day hike, a campfire, some leaf peeping. It was all in order. It is the fall, and it was evident at the head of the Green River.

Yeah, we did see 19 degrees on some ol broken down thermometer. But the sun shone through the clouds. We hiked. We gazed. We relaxed.

We were in Wyoming….finally.

Tomorrow we don the packs and head in to the Winds…