The weather looked like a classic fall weekend. I didn’t think we’d get another backpack trip in this year, but with the weather report the writing was on the wall. We’d head to the mountains for a hike. The video and story from the weekend follow. Give them a look, and we hope you enjoy following along!

We headed halfway to the trailhead on Friday night and found a spot with a view. With the change in the weather we could have a fire, which was welcomed as the short day quickly gave way to a cool night.

We sat back and enjoyed the toasty fire. The International Space Station was scheduled for a fly over so I set up the camera and tried to capture it. It turned out less than ideal, but the short streak below was the ISS, not a shooting star. It burns bright for sure.

The geese, cranes, ducks, coyotes and owls were out in full force overnight and into the early morning. As the fog burned off we packed up and headed to the trailhead.

Up Trapper Creek we went. Trapper Creek is a special place, but I’ve mostly spent time at the mouth and this was the first trip to the top of the watershed. Crystal clear water flows off the side of Diamond Peak.

Up we went, until we reached the divide and our destination for the night, Diamond View.

And what a view it was. We enjoyed a nice quiet sunset and the fall colors.

Morning came around and it was a crisp fall morning, registering 28 degrees. We headed back down the trail, another weekend passing by too quickly, but well spent.

Nice Fall trip! Diamond Peak is also a great backcountry ski. It’s been so many years since I did it, but it seems like we went in from the Hills Creek side.