Down the Wild Owyhee, 2017

It’s been on the river list for years.  Finally the stars aligned, the flows held up and we were Owyhee bound.  We arrived at the put in about 1 a.m. to find an overflowing parking lot.  We found a spot off the road to spend the night and before we knew it the sun was up and it was time to get on the water.  We made our way through the usual antics and congestion that is the put in without too much pain and agony and got on the water.

Rome Launch

After the first few miles we started to get into the scenery.

Pillars of Rome, Oregon


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Cape Lookout, 2017

Spring has been a bit short on flowers and green to date with cold weather through most of April in the high desert.  If spring won’t come to you, you go to it.  So with that in mind we headed west, stopping in Corvallis for some fresh veggies at the farmers market and then on to the coast.  It seems like we’re still watching the snow melt and the farmers market in the valley was in full swing.

We arrived at the coast by mid afternoon, enough time for a hike to the end of the Cape.

Looking south from Cape Lookout


Looking north from Cape Lookout


Netarts Bay from Cape Lookout


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Glass Buttes, 2017

Winter has had a persistent hold on the coming of spring but there comes a point when you just need to get out, so we headed east for a weekend and landed at Glass Buttes.  It’s not too hard to tell how the buttes got their name, there is literally obsidian just about everywhere.

The glass of Glass Buttes

We picked a somewhat random spot upon arrival and went for a cross-country walk.  There’s enough glass scattered across the ground to keep a person looking down almost the entire time.

Wandering Glass Buttes


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