Wandering CA 395, 2018, Part 1

Every year it happens round about November.  The days get short and the nights start to get cold.  The end of the truck camping season starts to draw nigh.  Luckily there's wheels on the home on the road, and if you point to parts south, you can roll the season back to shirtsleeve weather for a couple more weeks.   Southbound It was with that in mind that we struck out south to California for a…

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Deep in the Ochocos, 2018

As the weather starts to cool off, and the fire danger starts to drop off with it, we can start to venture a bit further afield to places with a few less people.  Last weekend that place was deep in the Ochocos, or Deep Creek to be more precise.   The North Fork of the Crooked River heads high in the Ochocos, runs through Big Summit Prairie and then turns south and meets Deep Creek.  While…

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Dog Days, 2018

Labor Day is approaching and the long hot smoky days of summer draw are drawing to a close.  Fire season necessitates sticking close to home over the summer but there have been some chances to escape to a nearby lake or two, and even a couple of days on the coast.  Here’s a couple of shots from the last month or two of adventures.

Paulina Lake never disappoints with its blue water and beautiful sunsets.  The kokanee are pretty tasty too.

Sunset over Paulina


Before fires completely filled the sky with smoke later in August we were treated to a few nice color filled sunsets, including this one spotted on the way back from an evening trip to Paulina.


Smoky Sunset


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