Fishing the Fremont, 2020

Where do you go when you want to get out and want to stay away from people? What do you do when all your favorite rivers are closed to floating? The Fremont National Forest sounded like the solution. Far from population centers and lacking any big time tourist draws, the streams of the Fremont offered two weekend quiet late spring getaways for fishing and even a float.

First up was a float down the Sycan. Not a lot of fish, but the scenery and lack of people made up for it.


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Fall on the Deschutes River, 2019

It’s always a bittersweet time of year. I always look forward to being on the river, especially the Deschutes River in the fall. But, it means the fishing season is coming to a close. Shorter days and closures are in the future. In the meantime, fall brings the chance for a steelhead, and the trout are feasting as the fall insects hatch.

I was lucky enough to get on the river three times this fall. Two shorter trips in September and then a longer one in October. In the end there were few steelhead in the river and none on the line. Oh well, the trout, the wildlife and the views were all top notch.


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Grande Ronde River, 2019

As the snowmelt pours off the Oregon mountains each spring it becomes prime time to find yourself on a river or two. We found ourselves on the Wallowa and Grande Ronde in June. The Wallowa was still ice cold and made for an eye opening early morning launch. It was a grey day with a few sprinkles, which didn’t warm us up either. Isn’t the eastern half of Oregon supposed to be dry and warm in June? Ah well. We were off and covering miles, down the Wallowa to the Grande Ronde.


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