Exploring the Idaho Panhandle, A Quick Trip North

As February neared its close, winter was starting to lose its grip on northern Idaho. The change was so quick that a lot of the fields we passed on the way north were covered with standing water, rivers were bank full and brown, and fields of winter wheat were starting to green up. It was finally time to escape our winter hibernation and get out on a trip somewhere, and we chose to go north for a couple days.


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Skiing into 2025

Happy New Year all. Wow, we are already almost two weeks into the new year. We took advantage of the winter weather in the mountains nearby and headed out for a ski. The snow on the trees was so beautiful with the bluebird skies as a backdrop I thought I’d post a few pics. It’s been foggy and rainy at home, so getting out into the bright sunshine for a ski sure brightened up the week!


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